Invitation notice for pre-qualification and bidding
Finacial Year : Deadline :
Kabale District Local Government received funds from the Government of Uganda and intends to use part of these funds to implement the undermentioned works. Kabale District Local Government now invites bids from competent, reputable and eligible firms based in Uganda to bid for the Water project below and for Pre-qualification and award of framework contracts for supplies and services including revenue collection management for Financial Year 2018/19.
Bidding shall be conducted in accordance with Open domestic bidding procedures contained in the Local Government’s Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Regulations (2006) and PPDA Act, 2003 and is open to all eligible bidders in Uganda.
The bidding documents in the English Language shall be purchased by interested bidders upon payment of a nonrefundable fee to Kabale District Local Government General Fund Account No. 01983501007176 in the DFCU Bank- Kabale Branch.
Bidders must present the bank payslip to the cashier Kabale District in Treasury Office to obtain a general receipt to be submitted to the procurement and disposal unit in order to be issued the bidding document, during working hours from 8:00 am -5:00 pm.
The bids, one original and two copies must be properly sealed in envelopes and clearly marked “Tender for ……………” and should be addressed to The Secretary, Contracts Committee, Kabale District Local Government, P.O. Box 05, Kabale.
Bids must be numbered sequentially, signed and stamped, and should reach the above address not later than 31/05/2018 at 10:00 am after which the bids will be opened in the District Lukiiko Hall in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may wish to attend at exactly 11:00 am.
No. | Activity | Date (d/m/Y) |
1 | Bid Notice Placement | |
2 | Pre –Bid Meeting | |
3 | Bid receipt and Opening bids | |
4 | Compilation of Evaluation Report and submission to CC for approval | |
5 | Best evaluated bidder notice removal | |
6 | Tender award and contract agreement signing |